4 Signs You Should See a Chiropractor

Our body is a great communicator, letting us know in a variety of ways when something isn’t right. However, we aren’t always the best listeners when it comes to the signals our body is trying to send to us. Recurring pain, fatigue, illness, soreness, loss of motion and balance, or inability to reach our fitness goals are all ways our body communicates to us that it needs a little extra attention.

While it may be tempting to reach for the ibuprofen when pain flares up, or head to the drug store for Dayquil and popsicles when you get yet another cold, these actions only treat the symptoms of what is likely a more significant condition.

By listening to our bodies, we can better understand exactly what steps we need to take to live healthier lives. If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms listed below, talk to your doctor about whether chiropractic care might help. Read on for signals your body is sending that it might be time to see a chiropractor and call Wauwatosa chiropractor Dr. Corinne Kennedy to schedule an appointment today.

  1. You experience recurring pain in the same area. Many people we see at Kennedy Chiropractic experience the same pain over and over again. From waking up with a stiff neck a few times a month to reaching for something on a high shelf and throwing their back out yet again, recurring pain is a common sign that something is not right. The basic goal of chiropractic care is realignment of the spine, which contributes to reduced inflammation and a healthier nervous system. Recurring pain in the same area of the neck, back, arms or legs is often a sign of inflammation caused by spinal misalignment. Regular chiropractic adjustments can alleviate these issues and put an end to recurring pain.
  2. You get every bug that comes around. If you are always getting sick, you might assume you just have bad luck or your body just isn’t strong enough to withstand the latest bug. However, constant illness isn’t something to ignore – it’s a sign that your immune system needs help. Chiropractic adjustments contribute to a healthier nervous system, which can lead to a stronger immune system and better response when your body is faced with infection. In addition to seeing your doctor when you get sick and always getting a flu shot, schedule a chiropractic appointment to avoid that winter illness.
  3. You aren’t moving or balancing as well as you used to. Aging comes with many not-so-fun physical changes, but loss of strength, balance, and mobility aren’t foregone conclusions. Chiropractic care can help you retain your mobility and balance well into your 80s, 90s, and beyond. Spinal adjustments will relieve the pressure on your nervous system and reduce inflammation, a major cause of mobility loss. In addition, a chiropractor can recommend exercises you can do at home to maintain strength and balance and other simple health changes to make to ensure you stay fit well into your golden years.
  4. You aren’t seeing the physical results you want to. With a new year comes new resolve for many people to reach a fitness goal. Whether you are an experienced endurance athlete or starting fresh with a new at-home workout routine, underlying conditions like pain and inflammation can keep you from experiencing the full benefits of physical exercise. By adding chiropractic adjustments to your healthy-living checklist, you can ensure your body is ready for whatever new challenge you take on this year.

At Kennedy Chiropractic, we help individuals of all ages in Wauwatosa, Milwaukee, Brookfield, Waukesha, and beyond live healthier lives. Whether you are looking for pain management, pregnancy care, or help recovering from an accident, we can help. Give Kennedy Chiropractic a call today to get started.